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Medical Tourism to India

India has one of the best qualified professionals in each and every field, and this fact has now been realized the world over. Regarding Medical Facilities India has the most competent doctors and world class Medical Facilities. With most competitive charges for treatment, India is a very lucrative destination for people wanting to undergo treatment of certain medical problems who do not need immediate emergency treatment.

India offers World Class Medical Facilities, comparable with any of the western countries. India has state of the art Hospitals and the best qualified doctors. With the best infrastructure, the best possible Medical facilities, accompanied with the most competitive prices, you can get the treatment done in India at the lowest charges. A patient will come to India where he will undergo medical treatment and along with that he can visit any Indian tourist destinations, as and when advised by the Doctors. The whole thing would save him a lot of money and he will get to discover India at the same time. We assure that Dheeraj Bojwani will provide the best medical and travel facilities for you in India. What makes India all the more tempting is the availability of Ayurveda, Naturopathy in its most authentic form which are an excellent choice for chronic illnesses and rejuvenation.

Get your medical treatment done in India at a fraction of the cost at which it is done abroad - in Europe or America. Besides providing you medical treatment, you can also see different tourist destinations in India. The complete package will cost you less that what you would have to pay for the medical charges alone, in other European, Middle East or American countries.

The Indian Tertiary Healthcare Industry is keeping pace with this trend and has modernized to global standards. With cutting edge technology in the health care sector at its disposal, India now has the wherewithal to offer comprehensive medical solutions to the world and is poised to become the preferred global healthcare destination.

India has one of the best qualified professionals in each and every field, and this fact has now been realized the world over. Regarding Medical Facilities India has the most competent doctors and world class Medical Facilities. With most competitive charges for treatment, India is a very lucrative destination for people wanting to undergo treatment of certain medical problems who do not need immediate emergency treatment.

We have taken upon ourselves the task of sharing the responsibility of easing the world wide health care backlog that exists in the healthcare systems of many western countries whilst providing access to world-class tertiary healthcare to countries that do not possess the facilities indigenously by making available the Indian tertiary healthcare expertise.

India offers World Class Medical Facilities, comparable with any of the western countries. India has state of the art Hospitals and the best qualified doctors. With the best infrastructure, the best possible Medical facilities, accompanied with the most competitive prices, you can get the treatment done in India at the lowest charges. What makes India more desiring as compared to other countries is the availability of the traditional medical science of Ayurveda, Naturopathy found in its purest form. The beneficiaries can opt for the modern as well as the holistic treatment options available to them. These are an excellent remedy for chronic illnesses.A patient will come to India where he will undergo medical treatment and along with that we will show him the Indian tourist destinations, as and when advised by the Doctors. The patient can opt for Ayurvedic, Naturopathy treatment or select a Rejuvenation Center of his choice The whole thing would save him a lot of money and he will get to discover India at the same time. We assure that we provide the best medical and travel facilities during for you in India.

Health Care Regulations for Medical Tourism To India

There are fewer regulations, regarding health in India, applicable to foreign tourists. These regulations are more of the nature of prevention than anything else.

Yellow Fever

Any person (including infants) arriving by air or sea without a certificate can be detained in isolation for a period up to 6 days if arriving within six days of departing from an infected area or has been in such an area in transit, or has come by aircraft which has been in an infected area and has not been disinfected in accordance with Indian Aircraft (Public Health) Rules, or those recommended by WHO. Various countries in Central and South America and Africa are regarded as being infected, enquire at the concerned Indian Mission for an up to date list. When a case of yellow fever is reported from any country, that country is regarded by Government of India as infected with yellow fever and is added to the above list.


Malaria risk exists throughout the year in the whole country excluding parts of the states of Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and Sikkim. No certificate is required, but a course of anti malaria pills is recommended for all travelers to India.Protect yourself from insects by remaining in well-screened areas, using repellents (applied sparingly at 4 hour intervals), and wearing long sleeved shirts and long pants from dusk through dawn.


Travelers proceeding to countries that impose restrictions for arrivals from India or from an infected area in India on account of cholera are required to possess a certificate. In any case, an inoculation against cholera is recommended.

General Tips

Health Kit

In India, most modern medicines are available over the counters in drugstores, but it is wise to travel with a reserve stock. If any prescription drugs are required, bring enough for the duration of the trip. It is advisable that you carry a small health kit which should include remedy for upset stomachs, some antiseptic cream, mosquito repellant cream, suntan/uv lotion, etc.

Caution: This document is not a complete medical guide for travelers to this region. Consult with your doctor for specific information related to your needs and your medical history; recommendations may differ for pregnant women, young children, and persons who have chronic medical conditions.

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